
irrlib Mercurial Source Tree

Root/Stable Version/1.2.9/IrrLib.h

    Irrlicht Library Wrapper
    Created by:
        Nathan Adams
        Denzel Morris
    Copyright (C) 2007
    This software is licensed under the GNU/GPL.
    This software may not be used for commerical purposes.
#ifndef IRRLIB_H
#define IRRLIB_H
/* We should include some basic functions */
#include <iostream>
/* include strings */
#include <strings.h>
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <time.h>
/* We have to include Irrlichts libs */
#include "Irr3D.h"
#include "IrrColor.h"
#include "IrrLibGUI.h"
#include "IrrEventReciever.h"
#include "Irr2D.h"
#include "IrrLibBase.h"
#include "IrrData.h"
typedef irr::core::dimension2d<irr::s32> PixelSize;
/*struct IrrObj {
    int eventid;
    int objectid;
//Start class
class IrrLib: public IrrLibBase {
    /* Create an Irrlicht device as private because the class should handle
        All irrlicht interaction */
        irr::IrrlichtDevice *device;
    // Tells Irrlicht what driver to use
        //video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType;
    Get a pointer to the video driver and the SceneManager so that
    we do not always have to write device->getVideoDriver() and
        irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver;
        irr::scene::ISceneManager* smgr;
        irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* env;
    Get a pointer to the 'mesh' aka the level.
    Note: This is for Quake3 levels, ie bsp maps.
        irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh;
        irr::scene::ISceneNode* node;
        irr::scene::ISceneNode * tempNode; //use this to store nodeNew's data so we can resize it
        irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode * cam;
        char key;
        void IrrLib::Init();
        /*friend class IrrColor;
        friend class Irr2DLib;
        friend class Sphere;*/
        friend class IrrEventReciever;
        irr::u32 tick;
        irr::ITimer* timer;
        //IrrSphere Sphere; //This has to be public to be able to access the Sphere class
        /* IrrSphere is now in Irr3D class */
        //Prehaps put this into a IrrLib3D class?
        Irr3D Irr3DLib;
        IrrColor Color; //Color class...not much of a class but lets keep it OO
        Irr2D Irr2DLib; //1/2 variable to be labeled like this due to variables not able to begin with a number
        IrrLibGUI GUI;
        IrrEventReciever IrrEvent;
        //IrrLib::IrrLib(MastEventReceiver & receiver);
        IrrLib::IrrLib(irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE drivertype, irr::core::dimension2d<irr::s32> & res, irr::u32 bits, bool fullscreen, bool stencilbuffer, bool vsync);
        IrrLib::IrrLib(int drivertype, int width, int height, int bits, bool fullscreen, bool stencilbuffer, bool vsync);
        IrrLib::~IrrLib(); //Our moms wont clean up after us!
        void IrrLib::ReadArchive(std::string file);
        void IrrLib::LoadQ3Level(std::string q3level);
        void IrrLib::MapPos(int x, int y, int z); //I think this moves the actual camera?
        void IrrLib::MapPos();
        void IrrLib::AddFPSCam();
        void IrrLib::AddFPSCam(irr::f32 x, irr::f32 y, irr::f32 z);
        void IrrLib::VisibleCursor(bool tf);
        int IrrLib::GetFPSCount();
        bool IrrLib::DeviceIsRunning();
        bool IrrLib::IsActiveWindow();
        void IrrLib::BeginScene();
        void IrrLib::BeginScene(irr::video::SColor color);
        //void IrrLib::BeginScene(irr::video::SColor * color);
        void IrrLib::BeginScene(bool usebackBuffer, bool usezBuffer, irr::video::SColor color);
        //TODO: Add one more for human readable colors and hex colors!
        void IrrLib::DrawAll();
        void IrrLib::EndScene();
        void IrrLib::SetWindowCaption(irr::core::stringw str);
        irr::core::stringw IrrLib::GetDriverName();
        //TODO: Make function to turn stringw to string and visa versa
        void IrrLib::EndIrrlicht(); //Renamed from KillIrrlicht to EndIrrlicht
        //TODO: Add logging
        void IrrLib::KeyPress(char key);
        char IrrLib::KeyPressed();
        irr::f32 getX();
        irr::f32 getY();
        irr::f32 getZ();
        bool CheckGameLoop();
        bool CheckGameLoop(irr::u32 ms);
        void Exit();
        PixelSize GetScreenSize();
        //void EndGameLoop();
        //template <class T> std::string to_string (T t);
Source at commit tip created 11 years 4 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, Migrating from google code

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